We recognize that school-age dependents of military personnel are faced with numerous transitions during their formative years that may pose challenges to their learning and achievement.
In recognition of those challenges and the importance of military families to our community, USHS is invested heavily in the support of our military-connected students and their families.
Events |
2024 – 2025 |
2023 – 2024 |
Military OneSource – Military OneSource offers a wide range of individualized consultations, coaching, and non-medical counseling for many aspects of military life.
Laredo Vet Center – Laredo Vet Centers offers confidential help for Veterans, service members, and their families at no cost in a non-medical setting.
Our Military Kids – Our Military Kids offers extracurricular activity grants to children, ages 3-18, of deployed National Guard, deployed Reserve, or post 9/11 combat wounded, ill, or injured Veterans in treatment.
Laredo VA Clinic – The Laredo VA Clinic is an outpatient clinic that offers primary care and specialty health services, including mental health care, foot care, laboratory services, social work, and more.
Texas Career Check – Texas Career Check offers a list of different careers available within the Military.
My Military Base – Find your Military Base Guide
Laredo College – Veteran’s Affairs Coordinator will help Military Veterans and Military Veteran dependents navigate the college enrollment process and guide you through veteran's educational benefits.
Texas A&M International University- Provides general information about Veterans Affairs Benefits.
United ISD – Parent Resources- Provides information on Registration, eligibility requirements, student code of conduct, and other important information.
United ISD Guidance and Counseling- Provides information about district-wide counseling services.